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A Super Simple Guide to Choosing a European Formula for Babies 0 - 6 months

May 22nd 2023

Choosing a European formula for your baby can be confusing due to the overwhelming amount of options out there. Here at BabaBellies, we chose to carry two brands - HiPP and Holle. Both companies use simple, natural ingredients without unnecessary additives or artificial flavors. European formulas come in different stages to provide baby with the necessary nutrients they need as they grow. To help with your decision, we have listed the formulas we offer for babies 0-6 months, along with a little bit of information about each one.


Holle Cow 400g (either Holle Pre or Stage 1; main difference is sweetener)

-Demeter Quality milk (higher certification than organic; strictest standards in organic farming)

-does not contain prebiotics or probiotics

Holle Goat 400g

Goat milk a great alternative to cow's milk formulas. Goat's milk is the closest to breastmilk in composition.

-sweetened with lactose (same as breastmilk)

-goat's milk is often considered easier to digest compared to cow's milk due to its different protein and fat structure. The fat globules in goat's milk are smaller and more easily broken down, which can be gentler on a baby's digestive system.

Holle A2 800g with A2 milk

-made with ONLY A2 milk proteins (regular cow's milk formulas contain both A1 and A2 proteins)

-A2 proteins are gentler on baby's tummy, which could help reduce colic, reflux and overall gastrointestinal discomfort 


Dutch HiPP 800g

-sweetened with lactose (same sweetener in breastmilk)

-no maltodextrin and no other starch

-contains both prebiotics and probiotics

A note on Dutch HiPP:

-containers are made out of organic carton (instead of metal) which make them prone to denting. Damage is only cosmetic and does not affect the quality of the formula.

German HiPP Pre 600g

-does not contain starch

-contains both prebiotics and probiotics

German HiPP Stage 1 600g

-contains starch

-contains both prebiotics and probiotics 

For babies with sensitivities, please call Nika at 408-750-4695 to discuss options.

Whatever you choose, we want to assure you that you are doing an amazing job. You are doing your research and now it’s time to trust your instincts. Remember that the love and care you give your baby on a consistent basis is the most vital ingredient for your baby's well-being. No matter the brand and kind, your baby is going to be just fine, growing and thriving in the warmth of your love. You are doing an amazing job, and your baby is so fortunate to have you.